What is your school name?
The name from school is Technical School Nº1, Martin Miguel de Güemes.
Why does the school have that name?
Because is the name from a national leader
How many students are there in your school? Are there boys and girls?
There are more than 1,000 students: boys and girls
What are teachers like?
Our teachers are very good.
What is the school building like?
It’s very big, old, it has three floors.
Have you got a uniform? What is it like?
No there is not a uniform. The girls wear a pinafore every day and boys wear regular clothes. But we wear pinafores on Wednesdays because we have chemistry laboratory
What time does school start and when does it finish?
There are three shifts: morning , afternuun and evening.
The morning shift starts at 7:20 and finishes at 12:30
The afternuun shift starts at 13:10 and finishes at 17:20
The evening shifft starts at 18:20 and finishes at 22:20
What lessons are compulsory?
Yes, all lessons are compulsory: English, History, Chemistry, Biology, Language, Physical Education, Mathematics, Philosophy, etc.
What do you have for lunch at school?
We never have lunch at school. Some students have a sandwich or a hamburger.
What sports do you play?
We play football, volleyball and handball.
Does the school have a logo? What is it like?
Yes, we have a logo. It has the initial of the school: EET N 1