In Delaware: Caesar Rodney High School
Aonther school from Delaware is being introduced to us by its own students:
Our school is a large high school with approximately 3000 people in it. It is a 2 story high school, with mulitple sports fields. We have 6 to 7 classes a day, with 57 minute "periods". Our school is relatively new, and has a large library and cafeteria. We each have our own lockers, and there are 4 large parking lots for students and faculty to park in. Thats the description of my school.
By Julez
Our school is probably very different from any schools out of the country. We have six classes a day, five days a week. We are able to choose what classes we want to take and if we will fill our sechdle up completely.
By Amanda
Hello All!! This is Sheraine
I go to Caesar Rodney High School in Camden, Delaware. This school is medium~sized, not too big, but not too small. It has a library [a big library with many books and computers], it has a gym [which is what we use for physical education], we have many classrooms [which is what we use for learning], we have a cafeteria [which is where we eat breakfast and lunch], there`s an auditorium [which has a stage and seats] and that`s pretty much it.
Hello, my name is Josh and i am a freshman(9th) at Caesar Rodney Highschool in Dover, Delaware. The school i attend is a big school. It is 2 story with many people in it. We have school from 8:02 to 3:00 with about 6 or 7 classes. We play many sports including lacrosse, baseball, softball, soccer, football, basketball, field hockey.
Josh -=_l_=-
The name of my school is called Caeser Rodney High School. My first year here was not the best because they were remodeling the school. Most of my classes were in old rooms with no AC. But now its my final year here and I think this is the nicest school I have even been to. And trust me my father is military so I have been to a lot of schools. It almost looks like it just got built. We have really nice computers the classrooms have AC so its easier to sit and listen to the teacher on a hot day even if it is the day before spring break. And i forgot to mention the Cafateria. It seriously looks like McDonalds but cleaner. The down side is that the school they spent 32 million dollars to remodel only holds a maximum of 2000 students and we have around 1936 students so we are pushing it. And at the beginning of the year we had way too many student in my Survey class. Students were sitting on the floor but we got that all straightened out.And finally to leave on a good note the teachers are good, well most of them are a few of them are questionable.
By Matth
I'm Shannon from Caesar Rodney Highschool. I'm currently a junior and i will be a senior next year. It seems like time flies by so fast and its unbelievable that i will be graduating next year. School is sometimes dreadful to come to if im not prepared but its mostly decent. We have 6 classes through out the day. 4 of them are your basics, english, math, history, and science. Plus we have foreign language classes and electives which are special classes of subjects we are usually interested in. During the fall when school begins the only really fun activity is the friday night football games. Besides sports there are tons of after school clubs that people join. Our school day starts around 8am and ends at 3pm. In between we have a 30min lunch break in which we spend usually just being with friends and talking. The one thing i've realized about our highschool is that we are all very different but in a way we form a famiy that most of the time work together.Most of the school has alot of school spirit and pride in our school.
<3 shannnon
Hola, soy Martha Zapata de Rep.Dominicana, y estoy participando con 3 escuelas de mi comunidad, con la historia de los centros, asi como algunas biografias de los maestros de mas tiempo en el magisterio.
Participé con unos 6 maestros y 30 estudiantes en las comparaciones de escuelas en este proyecto, ahora en las historias, y a la verdad que hemos aprendido mucho en esta plataforma y hemos compartido en los foros de iearn, asi como intercambio en los foros con Silvana, de los cuales me he aprovechado bastante.
Espero seguir compartiendo en este espacio.
Hi every body!!!!
I have a question for you:Why your school have that name(Caesar Rodney)?
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